What can you expect?
A private room which will be sheltered from the elements
A brand new indoor putting green with Sam put lab technology
4 tv’s to show clear feedback from multiple technology, such as video of your swing
Flightscope radar technology available to track ball and club data, measure and see improvement during the lesson
Boditrak pressure mat
Bull3d motion capture system – new club force data added this week – one of the most advanced systems on the planet
All of these services will be available with myself every Thursday from 2pm-10pm
I’m confident that this will be one of the best facilities in the region with the worlds best technology to help you get the most out of your game
Spaces are already being booked up well in advance so book in early to avoid disappointment

If you haven’t heard about a new platform on IOS which you can listen and get involved with industry experts
I’m fortunate to be involved with two groups that discuss coaching on Mondays and Wednesdays and our very own Steve Astle also hosts one on Thursdays
Click the image above and email me and I can send you an invite to join the platform and tune in